enjoy living in Japan

personalized services

Our personalized research services assist you in planning your visit, whether for leisure, extended travel, or an academic and/or professional stay.

Let us be your guide in forging a deeper connection with Japan!

Our Services

  • Detail Insights on Certain Location

    Looking for local insights on specific prefectures, cities, or residential areas? You've come to the right place! Get information beyond what the internet offers, directly from the eyes of locals.

  • Research on Educations Institutions

    We will thoroughly research local nurseries, schools, colleges, and universities, providing you with all the information you need to make informed decisions before coming to Japan.

  • Job Application and Interview Preparation

    Are you looking for a position in a Japanese company? JAPAN EDGE has staff with experience in prominent Japanese corporations who can provide expert advice to help you fully prepare for the job.

  • Assisting your life in Japan

    Please feel free to ask us if we could help you get adjusted to life in Japan!

Embark on a transformative experience